Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Paris

” Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Paris”

“I still have a suitcase in Paris” – Marlene Dietrich meets Edith Piaf
A theater evening  with music”

“There are moments in life when you want to die, but then something new happens and you think you are in heaven.” Edith Piaf

“If I could live my life again, I would make exactly the same mistakes, but a little bit earlier, so I have more of it.” Marlene Dietrich

Two quotes. Two world stars. Two exceptional artists on a stage! Can that work out? The actors: Klara Gmiter and Peter-Benjamin Eichhorn, face this challenge in their musical program “I still have a suitcase in Paris”. With humor and passion they tell the life of this two divas who were so different but so close friends. Klara Gmiter slips into Marlene Dietrich and Edith Piaf and sings their unforgettable songs, accompanied by Peter-Benjamin Eichhorn on the guitar.


Premiere: 24.02.2017 in Kreiskulturhaus Seelow, Germany

This play is in german language!